
Providing teachers in Afghanistan with the educational tools they need

studChildren and young adults

AFRANE or Amitié Franco-Afgane is an organisation based in Paris focused on providing opportunities for education among young people in Afganistan. The association works with over 30 schools around the country, making sure that facilities are safe and modern as well as providing pedagogical support to teachers and other professionals.

In 2015, The ATOZ Foundation supported a project to finance an intensive 2-month teacher training program during the winter break. Almost 100 teachers were able to attend the training which focused on increasing the quality of lessons by refreshing the teacher's general knowledge of their subject (Maths, Science, Dari, English) and providing pedagogical tools and methods for teachers to take back and use in the classroom. After the training, the teachers are monitored by the AFRANE instructor team to ensure that the skills learned are being put to use
